For a detailed weather forecast that you can customise to your very own spot - even remote unknown spots if you have the longitude and latitude - I can´t recommend windguru enough.. with detailed percentages of cloud cover for the hours during the day from morning noon till night.. fantastically useful if you´re running anything on solar or wind power! They even state wind speeds! The windguru website is geared to extreme sports including sailing and ballooning so you´ll find it immensely useful for any reason! Just click here WINDGURU  and follow the instructions
If you´re looking for a brilliant world clock that flicks the time over at a click for locations all over the world, then play with this little gadget below!

Confused between Farenheit and Celcius temps? Enter Celcius in the first box and Fahrenheit will show in the second! You can do it the other way round too.. start with Fah in the right hand box and you´ll get Centigrade showing in the left box!
Need I explain what THIS is for on the right? Well, even if you´ve forgotten or lost your calculator you can always resort to this website at an internet cafe.. and use all the facilities on this website! It will helps if you´re in a place such as Thailand or China where the computer at a net cafe might be in a very difficult language too! I think the only thing you won´t find on this website is your toothbrush.. but you can always buy one from here! I wonder where in the world they don´t sell them.. hmm... the jungles of Borneo but they´d show you how to use a magical bark or herb I expect!
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