One of the Bugbears for Expats or ANYONE who loves their pet is Finding a Decent Vet!

Like any pet lover you must find it hard and anxiety-provoking, even thinking about vet visits for various reasons. Not only because you care about your pet either.. Perhaps you have to wrestle with a foreign anguage (even after several years of learning it still isn´t easy is it, to talk about medical and important details that might make all the difference!) or you´re not particularly happy with your vet for various reasons, and that can apply even if you´re in your own country!

Perhaps you consider yourself intelligent and informed and have done lots of research on the internet about the future of veterinary treatment and what is good for our pets and what is harmful and seek kinder , less harmful  ways to treat pets, which also happen to be a lot cheaper!

Natural holistic and home treatments THAT WORK is what Andrew is about! (If you want to see an example of Andrew Jones at work, have a look at the FIVE free videos  he has made, completely FREE, to show YOU  how to treat your dog yourself,  for five of the most commonly presented non-emergency things at veterinary surgeries - click here)

If you have researched what is happening in the pet and vet world, and you  adore your pets, you  WILL LOVE ANDREW JONES!! You definitely won´t be keen on how trigger-happy many vets are with vaccinations.. It can be even worse in less developed countries where vaccinations are seen as being 'the cutting edge of modern veterinary practice', and to be done as frequently as humany possible! (A recipe for serious and distressing immune system problems later on in your pet´s life unfortunately). Perhaps you´ve been involved in rescue dogs one way or another and for example comes across vets who always say 'oh, better vaccinate just to be on the safe side' without even asking of giving you time to think about if there might be any details 'back at the base' about prior vaccinations having been done etc.. and before you know it, the poor dog´s been seriously over-jabbed and then later you´ve found out about some prior vaccination details - not to mention the growing pile of vet bills that are certainly making one person very happy - even if it´s not you! I´ve also come across vets who vaccinate with all the vaccinations they can think of at once, at the same time, including rabies, while a dog is on heat, simply because they´ve got you there and want to make the most money out of you before you have a chance to think about it. This is simply asking for awful trouble and not good for the pet at all.. In fact it DID cause awful trouble, my dog had a very bad reaction which manifested virtually overnight, and which years later she is still suffering from. This is what set me off on years of research about the side effects of vaccinations and over-vaccinating. That kind of thing is particularly galling in a foreign country when you feel quite helpless to do much about things, especially when it comes to complaining about veterinary treatment.

For that reason, I was so delighted when I accidentally came across this vet Andrew Jones on the internet here, who is making his information so easily available, who is happy to help you take control over your own pets, who is also spilling the beans about over-vaccinating, and who truly does care about you and your animal friends, because he´s an animal lover himself and has always had pets of his own that he adores. This wonderful vet has free newsletters which include valuable information on first aid for poisoning and other indispensible things, that could save your pet's life until you can get him to a vet. Of course the free newsletters have advertising about all his other products, including instantly downloadable E-books  which he sells,  showing you all the veterinary treatments you can do for your pet yourself, at home. Even in one of his free newsletters I was able to watch a  graphic video he made of a common ailment being treated at a vet's, demonstrating how easy it is to do it yourself at home, and describing how to prevent it in the first place without spending a fortune! He will tell you exactly  what you can do yourself, and how to tell if your pet needs to go to the vet or not, what you can do without a vet, and when you MUST take your pet to a vet. He will save you a lot of money and anxiety in the long run, by educating you on exactly what to do and how to do it, without unnecessary and unpleasant vet trips.. He has spilled the beans on the expensive complete pet foods that most vets sell, plus a lot of other things most vets would prefer you didn´t know, things which keep you poorer, your pet less healthy, and those less desirable vets richer. So I thought this vet is the ideal resource for people with pets in foreign countries, who really don´t enjoy unnecessary and costly trips to vets, for whatever reason.

You can even join this vet's club and get second opinions about things, asking him questions direct, over the internet! It´s all about taking control of your own pet's health and doing the best you can for the friend you really love.

Andrew has a veterinary surgery and also a dog rescue in Canada as well as an interesting blog. He is very much a real person and I think anyone with pets anywhere will learn a lot from him, even if you´re in your home country! There are downloadable E-books and E-courses on vet treatment at home, his club, his free newsletters, a book you can actually get in the post (not available elsewhere).. courses on CDs.. just have a look - and you´ll be SO glad you did because he helps you to regain control yourself over your pet's health and do things for yourself, as well as educating you about it all!  He is causing a stir in the veterinary community as a hero as far as pet lovers are concerned, because he is worrying a lot of money-minded vets regarding the way he is giving all the secrets of health and treatments away to help you avoid spending fortunes by going to see vets (when it is unnecessary, he will definitely tell you when you MUST go to a vet!)

In fact he is causing such a furore that it may be a good idea to move fast in case the money-hungry vets who want to trade in expensive consultations and pharmaceuticals, find a way of stopping him from giving away all the vet secrets they´d rather the public didn´t know about.. The thing about Andrew is that he sincerely cares about animals.. and about you, and would rather work in ways that harmonise with his ethics!

Click on his banner below OR to immediately get two free chapters of  his new, special report on dog nutrition - which will also give you an indespensible FREE list of all the most dangerous human foods to give a dog FREE RIGHT NOW- click HERE

In his special new report  he is revealing everything that you need to know NOW about feeding your dog and how you can prevent disease and help extend your dog's life through correct nutrition.

Here is just a sample of what's in the Report:
Why Dog Food Matters... you'll be surprised at what food heals. Your dog should be eating this to Avoid the Vet. 
The Health Problems of Dog Food... Learn Which Ingredients to Avoid so your dog doesn't get serious diseases, such as Cancer.
The Pet Food Recall... Here's What really happened and How you can Prevent this from affecting your dog.
Home Dog Recipes.... step by step Balanced Recipes that you can make at home now. 
Is your Dog's Food Safe?...Here is my list of SAFE and ADVISED Dog Food.  
Foods to AVOID... The complete list of common Human foods that are TOXIC to your dog - the list will surprise you! 
Dog Supplements... How to know if they are SAFE, EFFECTIVE, and if they are REALLY needed.
Get 2 chapters, completely FR*EE - NO sign-up required! 
Click on these words HERE now for your 2 FR*EE chapters

If you click on the banner below you´ll get lots of general information about Andrew and all he does.



Worth a mention though - as they do an interesting WATERPROOF DOG BED in different sizes and colours which does seem pretty rugged and hardy, unlike a lot of dog beds I´ve known! It can be hosed down or sponged down which sound great - specially when you´ve had to  wrestle  with  huge whole dog  beds trying to get them in and out of  washing machines! Just go to the menu and click on dog beds, and then click on waterproof dog beds!

WANT TO LAUGH?? If you want to see a hilarious video that will appeal to ALL dog lovers, specially those that have a few dogs, then just click here and let the video play! It's guaranteed to make your day with laughter!

      Dogs DO talk, as you´ll see in the video below if you click there!

Talking dogs
Talking dogs This is so funny you have to see it!.. JavaScript is disabled! To display this content, you need a JavaScript capable browser. Adobe...
If you want to buy gifts for someone who loves their pet - or any variety - dog, cat, fish, marine, reptile - then look no further than the Animal Den! There you can find everything (except actual pet care products) - such as Tshirts, Mugs, Stationery, Labels, Jewellery, Clocks etc... You can search by breed and all kinds of goodies come up with your favourite breed or mix featured!
If you have never seen the videos of Christian the Lion reuniting with long lost friends who cared for him as a cub, then watch a couple here and be delighted! Anyone who thinks animals don´t have feelings or thoughts of their own, should watch this and think again!
If you are interested in holistic, natural, pet care you can also visit the 'Only Natural Pet Store' which will deliver internationally  of course! It makes sense when you hear about  all the ghastly things that find their way into mass manufactured mainstream pet products (have you read the scandals about melamine being put into protein additives in pet foods and even baby foods - in glutens sourced for food products, from Chinese sources? It is LETHAL! ALL for the sake of making extra money!)

If you haven´t heard about this scandal with pet foods, Andrew Jones above, will tell you all about it in his special report on dog food and nutrition - there has been a big scandal with many pets dying worldwide from eating DOG FOOD contaminated with poisons from China! The two free chapters he is giving away will give you a good idea! And what about the awful reactions pets can have to some even quite well known chemical preparations for parasite control...

Given the choice, I know that I prefer natural, holistic treatments  for pets and humans alike.

Of course the human AND veterinary pharmaceutical companies will always scaremonger to try and put people off these non-patentable  natural products as they will lose their big bucks if everyone goes down this wonderful, health-promoting natural route!
Anyway I think this website has some very interesting products that will allow you to treat your dog at home for a vast array of very common minor ailments before they turn into big problems. There are things to gently cleanse inside the ears and keep them healthy, natural flea products for pet and household use, food supplements known to work for various conditions.. it´s extremely interesting to browse.

If you click on the special banner offering you a 5% discount off your first order, that´s also exactly what you´ll get, a discount! It´s not available everywhere, but it IS available here! But have a browse and see for yourself! It´s the kind of website you can browse for a good, interesting read if you are into holistic health care, and pets..

Save 5% On 1st Order at Only Natural Pet StoreNatural Flea Remedy for Dogs and Cats
They have a holistic healthcare library where you can look up various health concerns you might have for your pet. For example, there is a large article to read on ageing pets with arthritis which talks of various things including giving glucosamine supplements which is of course a holistic remedy that is widely recommended for humans as well, even by conventional surgeons! (NOT that pets and humans can always share the same treatments!)

They also have a FAQ section with answers by a vet. Generally it´s a very interesting website with a lot of informative things and resources on it. Enjoy!


If you´re looking for  an extraordinary choice in one place, of  doggy gifts  be mind boggled at what comes up when you just input your favourite breed!  Of course they do international delivery or they wouldn´t be on this website!


A great place to order calendars and diaries too - I know I´m lost without those -  calendars for every dog breed!

This website specialises in TWO things


They have every product you can think of that can be connected to any dog breed and they  pride themselves on having the


You´ll be amazed.. !! (NOT just dog calendars, every kind!)

 It´s a great gift for people in different countries.  Low postage cost and calendars can be sent anywhere. You can choose something more personal from this website as you can choose for people with even the most unusual interests 
This is also a useful place to go to if you want to consult a whole list of articles relating to pet care. This veterinary website is a font of free and very useful information.. you can also look up diseases of pets for specific info.. Of course the best way to avoid illness in ALL creatures including yourself, is to eat healthily and avoid stress.. and be given plenty of love! Here is a link to their library of articles - very useful!
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