Worldwide Insure will give UK and  EU residents, worldwide travel cover. At the time of writing you could even get insurance if you´d already left home - from this company, so it´s a great thing to know about, and it can all be done by email very fast. So if you didn´t get round to insuring yourself before you left, you can still do it here and obtain peace of mind. Click on the logo to the right to browse their website and find out all about what they have on offer, and put your mind at rest. You can also read the small print in a PDF file so you will be informed about everything properly even though you´re doing it all over the internet. Please don´t forget to give your friendly English Expat Goodies website some feedback on this an any other companies you  deal with, having read about them on this friendly English Expat Goodies webzine! We like to keep informed and fully upto date about who we´re dealing with! It will help everyone who uses this website. Email any feedback to Zoe on

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