When you´re abroad or even in your home country, it can be ideal to be able to study and obtain qualifications at home with home study courses. The Open Study College offers a lot of different courses to choose from, which will help you find employment anywhere that values English qualifications - which is a lot of places! Click on the link below to browse their phenomenal array of courses:

Oxford Distance Learning - shown right, also offers many serious courses and qualifications which will transform your life and allow your potential to flourish anywhere! As the link to the right shows, there are many  courses including GCSE, A Level, Diploma and Degree courses. You´ll be spoilt for choice! Click on the banner and have a good look around at all the amazing courses they´re offering!

Distance Learning with NCC

Below - is another choice - officially called NCC Home Learning, they are also offering a WEALTH of different courses. The joy of learning at home in this way is that you can also do courses at your own pace and in your own time, so you won´t have the pressures normally associated with studying and meeting deadlines. Again, a massive choice of courses. You can be anything you want, the doors are open for you to learn new ways of earning a living! You may want to do a course in something that simply interests you for fun too! There´s nothing to stop you, either way, go for it! Improve your skills and add a few extra strings to your bow!

Click on the link below and a whole new world will start to open via  your computer screen! Isn´t technology a-m-a-z-i-n-g !!

Here is the Home Learning College
and here is what they have to say about themselves:

"As the UK's largest home learning specialist, we offer a wide range of home study courses designed to get you an industry-recognised professional qualification.  Like thousands of Home Learning College students before you, you'll find our courses offer the perfect way to unlock your true potential and take the next step in your career and get the job you want."

They do all kinds of courses, including IT, Computing Skills, Book-keeping, Insurance, Marketing, Web Design.. too many to list here. They offer

  • The flexibility to learn at home in your own time and at your own pace
  • A wide range of courses, all written by experts
  • Access to dedicated tutor support - from our in-house Tutors, who provide comprehensive support throughout your course.
  • Free membership of Professional Associations
  • A choice of professional qualifications

Click on the banner to have a proper look at what they offer, it is truly substantial, a very long list of courses and professional qualifications that could be valuable and respected in many different countries!
Lots there to open your life out and bring you opportunities!

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