This is a very useful website with mountains of information about living, working and volunteering in many different countries around the world. Jam-packed with very interesting articles and photos, and links and more links, this is definitely an 'editor's pick' !! You can even find job vacancies and volunteering opportunities around the world from TEFL to farm work internationally. You can look up everything you need to know on any particular country that interests you!

Our well-known worldwide supermarket, Amazon, has now started delivering to more destinations around the world when it comes to electronics, household items and many more things, so while not occupying a major place here because of certain restrictions, they´re worth putting on the links page! You can now get things from Amazon in Europe for sure that you couldn´t before.. such as ice cream makers, kettles, snorkeling, diving, camping equipment, solar power chargers and other items.. have a browse


BRITISH EMBASSIES anywhere in the world - keep the details in case of an emergency, they may be able to help you

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