Hamley's Toy Shop in Regent Street - London

Memories come flooding back to me of my childhood! Very happy memories! Toys can be such fantastic things when they are beautifully made and well thought out.. and this is something I can say from personal experience as far as Hamley´s is concerned.. it really IS one of the best, if not THE best, toy shop in the world- I used to go there when I was a child myself, and spend hours in there. I would save up my pocket money for months, to eventually go and carefully spend my money there, accompanied by my mother, at a very young age!

I remember the thrills of going there.. thrills every time. There would always be something fantastically mind-boggling in there in some shape or form. I would be amazed and more amazed as we walked through all the different departments. They just have such fantastic toys that really I think it´s a shop fit for all ages, not just children! Their range of goodies is endless.. from ballet and fancy dress, to sport, teddies and stuffed animals of ALL varieties, dolls houses and dolls house furniture, art and creativity full of new ideas to get anyone's imagination going... and more and more.. and everything at Hamley's is of a very high quality - something which unfortunately cannot be said of a lot of  things on sale elsewhere, specially in countries that do not have adequate quality control on goods and who export inferior goods worldwide to unsuspecting countries and customers.

I´m so glad they are now online, as it means I can go back there and get carried away ALL over again! Of course they do world wide delivery too! So what is stopping you.. do you have some small relatives you want to buy gifts for? If you shop at Hamley´s you will get quality items.

If you want things sent to friends or relatives in UK, if you spend over a certain amount (and believe me that´s very easy to do at Hamleys!) then delivery within UK is free.. but they´ll deliver anywhere. Go on, spoil someone, or even yourself! Click on the little animated picture below!


Animal Den do many things including a lovely range of soft toys with all kinds of animals and even birds, including a large assortment of pedigree dogs - so if you can´t have the real thing just yet, you can offer a child the toy version of say a Labrador or a Shi-tzu - or even a cuddly Tortoise, Monkey, Whale or Prairie-dog!

  Animal Den - Gift Shop for Animal Lovers!
There is a huge list too large to write here - and even cuddly soft hand puppets in the form of Bats, Black Bears, Border Collie, Dinosaurs, Macaws and much, much more.. Have a look, you´ll be amazed!

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