A catchphrase for English Expat Goodies is
... because at the bottom of each page you will find some hidden gems..

Meanwhile the latest addition is a wonderful inspirational
(NON RELIGIOUS) short free movie you can watch right now! 
MAY YOU ALL,  INDEED,  BE  BLESSED! Just click below


Hay House, Inc.

Here you can log in to Hay House Radio right now, and find uplifting workshops that will give you some answers and help you on your path wherever you may be...

Hay House, Inc.

You can also order some uplifting cards and books from Hay House such as these Angel Cards by Doreen Virtue which are full of comfort and wisdom - see below - You can do readings for yourself and your friends. You´ll be amazed! Spiritual and inspiring, it's uncanny how relevant they are to your personal situation when you try them! You can choose one pack or several. Each set has something different to offer

When you click on the banners below you´ll be led into Hay House USA but from there you can click to go to Hay House UK or Hay House Australia as well - find the nearest for ordering by post.
Happy card reading!
Louise Hay
A highly respected light worker who has been around for many years showing many people how to improve their health and lives.
On October 22nd 2008 Louise was awarded the Minerva Award - a grand accolade for her work as a leading light as a woman in her field.
Now you can watch the trailer of a film about her life
You Can Heal Your Life The Movie by Louise L. Hay 468x60
 HOT OFF THE PRESS - of interest to those in

Hay House, Inc.
Wayne Dyer - 468x60
Hay House, Inc.
Event Banner with Author Images 468x60
Hay House, Inc. 468x60 Animated
If you want to try a FREE tarot reading online right now, you can click on http://www.facade.com/tarot/ You can choose the tarot pack you want to use from a large variety of packs on offer. You must think of a question to ask the tarot. Think carefully and seriously about what you are asking. Choose the spread you want to use - you get an explanation of the different spreads available - and then you will get your online cards spread out for you with the interpretations for each position they fall into. It´s not as good as a personal reading with a tarot expert but it is quite interesting how apt and uncanny the answers you get are.. and if you try several times using different spreads and card choices, you are likely to find you get equally apt similar responses to your question.. have a go, you have nothing to lose.. and it will make you look at things from different perspectives, and open out your thinking, at the very least. There are other things on the same website such as free numerology, I Ching, runes etc but I wasn´t all that impressed with those offerings.. while the Tarot seemed rather more interesting.




I have personally watched their films and can vouch for the content being truly touching and uplifting, and inspiringly different! I think it is fantastic that  Spiritual Cinema Circle exists. The fact that these films are being made and can be watched, restores my faith in humanity! It gives you films that are in fact TOO GOOD for the mainstream cinemas (because mainstream cinemas are more interested in cheap thrills and being 'middle of the road' in order to appeal to masses). If you become a member of this Spiritual Cinema Circle you can, not only watch the films yourself, but lend them or give them to all your friends, or even have a monthly small 'cinema club' showing at your home, so that you can all enjoy them together! I am sure a group of people watching these films together would be a uniquely bonding experience. Anyone with a heart looking for inspiration will appreciate these films.. and be deeply touched by them.

You can have a month's free trial and see for yourself
You can´t lose - and believe me, the films are wonderful!

Spiritual Cinema Circle
You can watch inspirational, healing, holistic, enlightening online TV right now from your PC -  by going to these links





Free inspiring movies to watch right now!

Mind, body & spirit are of course all ONE and NOT separate at all  (spiritual life, or spirituality, is not separate from our daily experiences or lives, it is all ONE and the same, along with our health..) one of my favourite writers has a lot to say about health issues on a level that I´ve been interested in for a long time.. CLICK HERE and on the link below to one of his very interesting and enlightening articles..
Keep taking Vitamin C
in high doses (and if you don´t know where to get it, you can get it online here via the chemist on this website who delivers internationally!) 

I must say, speaking on a personal level for a while now, I´ve been taking Vitamin C in high doses at the merest sneeze or threat of a cold and been more than happy with the results.. ie no life-threatening infections and no colds. I literally cannot remember the last time I had a cold. I started taking high doses of Vitamin C not just to avoid getting colds but also to keep my immune system in tip top condition in order to halt any infections generally from taking a hold, such as in mouth or ear or other infections, which in the past antibiotics had been given to me for.. These antibiotics had resulted in fast immediate results although I had felt whacked out and very tired by taking them.. but hadn´t worked for the long-term, because the infections just came back. I realised that taking antibiotics was having the reverse effect, long-term, of curing infections - antibiotics were actually blasting my body so totally that my body was becoming an open invitation to infections as the infection-fighting good bacteria had repeatedly been killed off along with everything else, by these so-called wonder-drug antibiotics. So now I am a firm believer in every possible method of keeping the body healthy through healthy means, which is to keep the immune system as strong as possible through healthy food, vitamins and through living well on all levels, including psychologically. It is important to avoid stress where possible and to eat healthily - supplementing with herbs and vitamins where you think it´s appropriate! Of course alcohol, smoking and any other drugs are a complete no-no and seriously deplete your body of health both physically and psychologically, and those things cause far worse forms of the stresses that you had hoped they´d eliminated originally  in the immediate short term.  All stress by whatever causes depletes your natural reserves of immunity and health so supplementing with vitamins and herbal remedies makes a lot of sense at times. The drug companies are not in favour and will try to put the public off all natural remedies.. by whatever means, as they don´t make them money, and they stand to lose out big time financially if people start going 'natural'.. But natural remedies make a lot of sense.. You can only win if you start off with a strong base for health. Click on the link below to read more about this whole side of health and living... and especially about Vitamin C.... (although there are many other health-boosting natural things one can take as well as Vitamin C.. Read up on echinacea for example)
ASPARTAME - THE TRUTH Perhaps like many people you´ve been buying only 'diet' drinks, and 'sugar-free' foods for years, thinking it saves on many unwanted calories and weight gains to keep you slim or to lose weight more 'easily'. 

A very commonly-found ingredient in manufactured foods, offered up to the public as a 'normal' ingredient of many things including diet drinks, and 'sugar-free' foods, is a sweetener called aspartame which I´m sure you´ll have heard of.

Well, when you´ve heard some very revealing information about aspartame, like me you might suddenly think again about all those aspartame-laden foods you have been buying/eating/drinking. When you start to carefully read all the ingredients listed in the small print on food labels, you´ll see aspartame creeps in all over the place..  and you might find yourself going very natural on what you eat, very fast after watching the video below!

Watch the interesting video below and the following video links from it, on aspartame.. you will be very glad you did, because it´s a very fast route to healthier living instantly, by taking all this in, and you will be very glad you did..  It might be creepy to find out about, but it means you can make an easy instant health decision about what you eat that will give you better health immediately..

Everything is.. MADE OF SOUND VIBRATIONS ...The magic of sound is far-reaching.. the series of videos shown here say it all better than mere words on a page ever could.. watch and be amazed as you see how sound changes the shape of sand, water and more.. the ramifications for healing are also wonderful.. Listening to harmonious music and sounds is a lot better for you than you´d ever imagined! Don´t stop at this first video, you´ll see a series of videos on the magic of sound, and they are all pretty amazing..
PHARMACEUTICALS AND THE THINGS THAT GO ON! Are you thinking of going to the doctor about something? Watch Gwen Olsen's videos for some education about the pharmaceutical industry  before you hand your life and health over.. It is important to know exactly what you are dealing with. She also has a very instructive video about anti-depresssants - and if you watch this one, you´ll certainly think twice about taking those, and probably run a mile as fast as possible in the opposite direction! Gwen Olsen is an ex-pharmaceutical rep and tells you what she learnt about pharmaceuticals and how doctors and patients are manipulated to feed the pharmaceutical industry.. rather than to become well and healthy... it is big business and does not have the patients' interests truly at heart..
Dr Vincent Bellonzi below talks about health and empowers you to take control of your own health - a valuable video for everyone to watch
If after watching the above videos you feel the need to investigate a fairly clearcut medical condition online DIY-style, without any of the holistic angles you can consult the following free encyclopaedic medical facility which can also give general information on treatment and self help ideas available

Definitely worth looking at is an Italian doctor and surgeon - Dr Simoncini. He has discovered that by bathing cancerous growths in simple bicarbonate of soda solution, cancers shrink and disappear, and he has the before, during, and after, videos - using internal surgical micro cameras, to prove it, during the average of 4 treatments he uses to GET RID OF Cancers! This is of course not a very welcome thing to the people in massive medical and pharmaceutical industries who make megabucks out of treating cancers by expensive methods (that often don´t work and that often cause more misery) such as chemotherapy and all the other expensive drugs used to treat cancer.. as well as expensive and invasive surgeries. Such a simple thing as this SEEMS too good, and too simple, to be true.. after all the things that so far cancer patients have been led to believe that they had to suffer, for a chance of survival - but if you can SEE this simple treatment working, and the proof of it, with your own eyes, in his videos - shouldn´t you take a look? 
Don´t be put off by any scare-mongering you might see on the web about this - as there ARE people, some of whom have less than good intentions, who are in powerful positions, who would rather this man hadn´t discovered this simple cure! Just inform yourself properly and make up your own mind. This man is not hiding from public view at all and has done public television interviews and has proper videos that show the RESULTS of his work! Before thinking it is too good to be true, just remember that the earth was FLAT once, and anyone who said otherwise was openly humiliated!

Just click here to find out about it all
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