Here is a website where you can play Backgammon, live online, with other players worldwide.. and in many different languages if you want to! You could practise a foreign language at the same time if you were feeling brave! You can play the game for free, or, if you get confident with it, you could even have a flutter with it.. not that I would recommend getting into gambling. However, playing just for fun and free could certainly be a social way to pass the time and if you´re alone in a foreign country,  here´s a lighthearted, fun way of socialising! Have a go and see what happens!
If you want to download games as well as play online then Shockwave does both things via its website. I´ve been to have a look at this website and  really there is so much on it I was mindboggled! There are many, many different things to play there which look fascinating. Here are some fun, interesting looking ones  -Escape from Paradise'- & get yourself and your friends off a desert island -  or you can play Virtual Villagers! Just click on the banners! Choose from online games or from the downloads.
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