Express Chemist UK
Delivers Worldwide
by post at reasonable prices
It can be hard abroad to find chemist products you want and know work for you. Whether it is whitening toothpaste for sensitive teeth, or travel sickness tablets, antimalarials, earplugs, insect repellant, or relief for stings, treatment for fungal infections, sweat rashes etc there are many things that are hard to get easily abroad. This chemist not only has the familiar products you like but a fantastic travel section with all those things you didn´t realise you needed until you got there! Not only that but you might find it very embarrassing - whether because of cultural differences or because you don´t have a grasp of the local language, to ask for personal items such as tampons, condoms or even pregnancy testing kits or over-the-counter cystitis or thrush remedies. We all know how to 'get by' in foreign languages with sign language and amateur mime - but really, in some situations it´s not all that advisable is it..! LOL
So here is Express Chemist to the rescue! You can order everything you want online and have it delivered fast by post at reasonable delivery prices! It´s a good idea to stock up with emergency first aid kit supplies before you need that remedy, whether it´s a cold remedy of something for a cough or an upset stomach, you´ll be glad you have it in your expat cupboards or travel supplies beforehand!

They also do vitamins and food supplements, and to ward off any ailments well in advance why not stock up with some megadoses of Vitamin C while you´re at it! Vitamin C in high doses such as 1 gram (1000mgs) several times a day, can totally ward off a lot of annoying ailments and infections before they get a grip, by boosting your immune system and averting an unpleasant, emergency crisis visit to a foreign doctor or dentist for those dreaded antibiotics which will simply knock out your whole system including your natural defences!
Here is HOME HERBS - click on the banners right here - a comprehensive Health Shop online - which stocks a wide range of aromatherapy products, essential oils, herbal products and more, all with fairly encyclopaedic information - so that you can learn about what you´re thinking of buying. You can search for things under the titles of ailments or complaints. This company does world wide delivery based on the weight and size of the product as well as the location, there is no standard price, it depends on your shopping basket. They certainly do have a lot of choice and the website is extremely enjoyable to use! It´s a bit like reading an informative book. Have a look. In the unlikely event that you´re in UK or want to buy a gift for a friend there, they do free delivery in UK!

GOLDSHIELD, below, does a large array of vitamins and supplements and a few foody snacks such as flavoured yoghurt mixes. They also sell a simple yoghurt maker.

Their current international delivery charge is a flat rate of 6.95 UK pounds worldwide, good if you´re ordering a lot at once.

Garden online pharmacy is another VERY interesting place for several reasons. Of course it´s great that they deliver anywhere worldwide without exception!

ALSO... if you are interested in aromatherapy, they stock the full range of Tisserand essential oils, which is fantastic because the Tisserand brand is noted for purity and professionalism. Tisserand himself is one of aromatherapy's original experts and the writer of many books on aromatherapy and essential oils.  The writer of this article went on a Tisserand seminar in England many years ago, and can personally vouch for his expertise! Did you know that you can rub a strong-smelling essential oil - for example garlic - into the soles of the feet, and about half an hour later, smell it on the person´s breath? This demonstrates perfectly the way in which essential oils penetrate the skin and flood through our bodies. They are not just a superficial aroma or perfume, they are a real, herbal treatment that goes deep within the body. So this is a good place to start if you´d like to buy some highly regarded pure essential oils by mail order. These are extremely concentrated oils some of which have to be diluted, some of which can be dabbed safely on the skin neat, depending on what you are using for what purpose. Lavender is a wonderful all-purpose choice and should be in any aromatherapist's medecine cabinet. It can be used neat on burns and has remarkable healing properties, as well as making a good insect repellant and smelling divine. All lavender oil should be 'organic' because it has its own pest-repelling properties and no pesticides are needed anywhere near it! Another great must-have for any First Aid kit is Tea Tree oil which is fungicidal, antibiotic, and more.. you can use it for many things. Why not go to the book department on this website and order a Tisserand book on aromatherapy as well with cheap worldwide postage! Another thing sold via this website is the Bach flower remedies which you may have heard of. If you like these, you´ll be overjoyed, because they´re very hard to find abroad!

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