Learning the language can feel like hard work but it always brings priceless rewards. Suddenly the wheels of your life start turning, doors start to open and you start saying goodbye to endless frustration! There are many different ways to learn, and of course being right there in your country of choice you´ll find yourself learning something every day, as long as you´re mixing with the locals. But going to classes or doing one-to-one language practice with someone who also wants to learn English are good ways to get ahead too. If you´re also looking for extra ways to learn by yourself then there are various kinds of software courses that can help you. This one uses actual  voice recognition so you learn how to actually speak the words and DO get some proper speech practice and learn properly. Auralog teaches you Chinese, Japanese and Arabic as well as European languages Spanish, French, German, Italian and Dutch. They also have speech recognition technology for children aged 4 to 12 to improve their ENGLISH language learning. This might be useful if you are teaching children English abroad, including your own children to make sure they don´t forget their English while they´re growing up abroad.. (I wouldn´t recommend anyone use it for teaching adults English though, as the interactive software is geared around children's stories which would be patronising for adults). Auralog provides speech recognition tuition in those foreign languages at all levels and is aimed to get people talking. They even have Corporate online tailored training solutions with a personal teacher helping you learn the language of your choice. Have look at what Auralog has to offer  - click on the banner below:

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