Babylon Translation Software Translates 75 Languages!

It is SO hard when you´re in a foreign country and you want to do the simplest of things when the language problem makes life a constant obstacle course! This is why I thought it worth devoting a page on the website to language help. Babylon is instantly downloadable here and now, and even has an audio facility that will teach you how to pronounce things. If you´re teaching English I should think you could even use it in your teaching to give your students practice too, while you have that hard-earned tea break!You can download it now as a free trial, without paying anything, and learn how to use it (I recommend you DO use the built-in demo and don´t skip it) before deciding if you want it or not. It doesn´t take a moment to download with ADSL and it´s even downloadable via dialup as it´s not such a huge amount of megabytes. It´ll also translate from within your Word and Outlook documents and in your Hotmail and Gmail, and will  do spell checks too! You can´t lose a thing by trying it for free!

Click on the logo and have a go!



   Ectaco Translation Gadgets

You can take them anywhere!

Until you´ve had proper language lessons  and learnt a good deal of the local language, doing anything in a different country can be  a struggle. Sometimes you´re not there long enough to make it worth learning either. Sometimes a pocket dictionary  isn´t enough, it won´t conjugate a verb or  structure a sentence, and you´re still lost in many situations and this can leave you quite vulnerable. But you could carry an electronic gadget in your pocket or bag that translates for you!  You´ll learn as you go along this way too! Some of these gadgets even have a voice! It´s amazing how advanced some of these translators are and how many languages they now translate - including obscure difficult ones that don´t have this alphabet system. Have a look at the incredible gadgets this company is making!

Just click on the logo 

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