TRAVELISTIC - One of the world's best FREE travel video websites! Just click on any part of the world and a whole selection of good videos will come up, of that area on this specialist travel and world video website - it´s the brain child of a few clever media people so have a look and delight yourself with your new globetrotting video wings!


You can also go to the new Travel Channel website - Video On Demand - where you can watch all the programmes they have made any time you want.. you choose anything you want.. and watch.. It isn´t free, it is 19.99 UK pounds for a year´s subscription (which is very good value anyway - these are professionally made TV programmes, and certainly not just uploaded holiday videos!) You can then watch any of the programmes on their website free for a whole year, and they are always adding new ones too. You can watch all kinds of programmes on all the places you´d like to travel to..  just click here


Conscious TV is an internet TV broadcasting station that focuses on Healing, Consciousness and Psychology and things not found on mainstream TV channels. If you like to expand your mind and break through into new frontiers of consciousness then this place will delight you - watch now on your PC!



World breaking, world changing news - that you won´t always find in the mainstream media but really wish you did - with free videos, articles and more
from this excellent website - to read one of the many fantastic pages on the website just click here


Want to watch something incredible.. or rather.. NOT incredible.. once you´ve seen the documentaries...the website team below has a few very interesting videos including:
A whole full length documentary that was shown on mainstream TV about UFO sightings and the many cover ups and silencing techniques used to keep the subject quiet or ridiculed, by people in power.

Now that information is becoming more freely and widely available since the invention of the internet, more people are speaking up about things and refusing to swallow cover ups, and the cover ups are also becoming far harder to maintain.. specially in the face of the full length documentary you´ll watch if you click on the link below..

You can watch part I or part II or both.. give yourself a few hours to watch and enjoy. The link below actually leads to part II - if you only have limited time to watch, then watch that. The significance of it all is fairly mind-boggling.. the world as we know it is changing, and fast... hold on to your seat!


If you are interested in extra-terrestial races, have an open mind and are willing to open it even further, watch a long and interesting video lecture by Alex Collier a long term contactee by clicking here. By all means be skeptical but don´t close your mind!

The India page is full of videos of ALL OVER INDIA if you´re interested in that region! Just click here to look!

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